Currently we can only ship to European countries. If your order has been placed before 12h (GMT- PT Time) we are able to send your order on the same day. Otherwise it will be shipped on the next business day.
Portugal (Mainland) | Spain (Mainland)
3,90 € (Free on orders of 59,90 € and above) - 24/48hours
Portugal (Islands) | Spain (Islands)
7,80€ - 3 to 5 business days
Other EU Countries
14,90 € (Free on orders of 99,90 € and above) - 5 to 7 business days
*For customizable products our delivery dates are 5 to 7 business days (Portugal) and 10-15 business days all other countries or Islands.
Delivery times and methods may change according to the time of year. The dates shown are merely indicative. Any delay in the shipment of items, given the estimated dates presented, merely indicative, does not entitle the Customer to any compensation.
Deliveries and collections in Portugal are made by CORREOS Express Logistics.
Deliveries are made between 9am and 6pm, on working days. Someone must be at the address you gave to receive the package. This service does not include the option of scheduling or appointment, so the delivery of the package will be made without prior contact by the carrier. We do not guarantee this delivery period in the periods of promotions, sales, summer vacations, Christmas and stock rupture.
If you wish to return or exchange an item, please visit the page regarding this subject. If there is a shipping cost associated with your order, this amount will not be refunded.